Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Robert Aschberg is a communist, anti-white jewish dickhead.

“The time when the Swede could criticize the plans of the Chosen people unpunished has passed”
As more and more Swedish people are understanding that the immigration invasion into Europe is a planned calculated genocidal plan masterminded by the eternal enemy Jew, the resistance toward International Jewry grows stronger. In their panic, Jews threaten to persecute and inflict deadly violence to those who do not accept being displaced and replaced in their ancestral homelands.

Aschberg Dickhead

The Troll Hunters
A group of journalists and researchers wade into ugly corners of the Internet to expose racists, creeps, and hypocrites. Have they gone too far?
By Adrian Chen on December 18, 2014
We’ve come up with the menacing term “troll” for someone who spreads hate and does other horrible things anonymously on the Internet. Internet trolls are unsettling not just because of the things they say but for the mystery they represent: what kind of person could be so vile? One afternoon this fall, the Swedish journalist Robert Aschberg sat on a patio outside a drab apartment building in a suburb of Stockholm, face to face with an Internet troll, trying to answer this question. The troll turned out to be a quiet, skinny man in his 30s, wearing a hoodie and a dirty baseball cap—a sorry foil to Aschberg’s smart suit jacket, gleaming bald head, and TV-trained baritone. …
The goal of Troll Hunter is not to rid the Internet of every troll. “The agenda is to raise hell about all the hate on the Net,” he says. “To start a discussion.”
Back at the Troll Hunter office, a whiteboard organized Aschberg’s agenda. Dossiers on other trolls were tacked up in two rows: a pair of teens who anonymously slander their high school classmates on Instagram, a politician who runs a racist website, a male law student who stole the identity of a young woman to entice another man into an online relationship. In a sign of the issue’s resonance in Sweden, a pithy neologism has been coined to encompass all these forms of online nastiness: näthat (“Net hate”). Troll Hunter, which has become a minor hit for its brash tackling of näthat, is currently filming its second season.


 Robert Aschberg (born 19 March 1952 on Kungsholmen, Stockholm) is a Swedish journalist, media executive, and one of Sweden’s most popular TV personalities.[1] He works for the TV3. Robert is the grandson of Olof Aschberg, a Swedish-Jewish bank entrepreneur.

Olof Aschberg (22 July 1877 – 21 April 1960) was a Swedish banker and businessman. Aschberg was a leftist sympathizer and helped finance the Bolsheviks in Russia. In gratitude, the Bolshevik government allowed Aschberg to do business with Soviet Union during the 1920s. Aschberg became head of Ruskombank, the first Soviet international bank.[1]


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Theodore Herzl's vision of a multi-cultural Israel

They should address a terrible scandal that taints Israel’s cities: all of them have one of their main streets named after a bearded Viennese self-hating Jew called Theodor Herzl. This man wrote a despicable book called Altneuland, containing absolutely horrid anti-Zionist propaganda.
He promoted a country in which Jewish religion has no formal standing at all. Herzl believed that the Temple-Mount should be avoided, and any reconstruction of the temple should just be another synagogue. Worst of all: Herzl’s horrible work takes pride in the treacherous notion that the Nation-state of the Jews gives completely equal rights to all citizens, including Arabs, and is cosmopolitan in nature. Herzl even thought that the country should be multi-cultural and multi-lingual, including both Yiddish and German!
Herzl multicultural Israel

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Anti Israel Activist Natali Vaxberg-Cohen makes good on her threat to shit on the Israeli Flag, Israeli Police investigating

Natali Vaxberg-Cohen, Israel Based anti Israeli Activist-Holocaust Revisionist-Zionist Critic, threatens to poop on the Israeli Flag in her Magnum Opus performance video 'The Holocaust Visits Yad Vashem'


        Apparently, she made good on her threat to do exactly just that and now the Israeli Police are investigating. (from Haaretz)

Police to investigate leftist activist for defecating on Israeli flag
Freedom of expression not an absolute value, and may not clash with other values, say police.

    The Tel Aviv District Police are planning to open an investigation into a left-wing activist who uploaded a video to the Internet in which she can be seen defecating on an Israeli flag while Israel's national anthem, Hatikva, plays in the background.

The police received the video, in which the woman's face can be clearly seen, over the weekend. The district commander, Maj. Gen. Bentzi Sau, described the video as "extremely vulgar" and ordered an investigation of the young woman on suspicion of damaging the symbols
of power and the state flag.

Natali Poops On The Israeli Flag

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jewish Terror in Russia before The Bolsheviks

        Before the Bolsheviks.  Jewish Revolutionary-Terrorist Vera Figner led her 'People's Will' Party (Narodnya Volya) to conspire to assassinate Czar Alexander II. The Milwaukee Journal captured this story on Sept. 9, 1928.

      And so shaken were the Russian People by this act of  Anti Russian Jewish Terrorism that they made an entire 'Terrorist Museum' to document it.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Shlomo Sand: ‘I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew’

During the first half of the 20th century, my father abandoned Talmudic school, permanently stopped going to synagogue, and regularly expressed his aversion to rabbis. At this point in my own life, in the early 21st century, I feel in turn a moral obligation to break definitively with tribal Judeocentrism. I am today fully conscious of having never been a genuinely secular Jew, understanding that such an imaginary characteristic lacks any specific basis or cultural perspective, and that its existence is based on a hollow and ethnocentric view of the world. Earlier I mistakenly believed that the Yiddish culture of the family I grew up in was the embodiment of Jewish culture. A little later, inspired by Bernard Lazare, Mordechai Anielewicz, Marcel Rayman and Marek Edelman – who all fought antisemitism, nazism and Stalinism without adopting an ethnocentric view – I identified as part of an oppressed and rejected minority. In the company, so to speak, of the socialist leader Léon Blum, the poet Julian Tuwim and many others, I stubbornly remained a Jew who had accepted this identity on account of persecutions and murderers, crimes and their victims.
Now, having painfully become aware that I have undergone an adherence to Israel, been assimilated by law into a fictitious ethnos of persecutors and their supporters, and have appeared in the world as one of the exclusive club of the elect and their acolytes, I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew.
Although the state of Israel is not disposed to transform my official nationality from “Jew” to “Israeli”, I dare to hope that kindly philosemites, committed Zionists and exalted anti-Zionists, all of them so often nourished on essentialist conceptions, will respect my desire and cease to catalogue me as a Jew. As a matter of fact, what they think matters little to me, and still less what the remaining antisemitic idiots think. In the light of the historic tragedies of the 20th century, I am determined no longer to be a small minority in an exclusive club that others have neither the possibility nor the qualifications to join.
By my refusal to be a Jew, I represent a species in the course of disappearing. I know that by insisting that only my historical past was Jewish, while my everyday present (for better or worse) is Israeli, and finally that my future and that of my children (at least the future I wish for) must be guided by universal, open and generous principles, I run counter to the dominant fashion, which is oriented towards ethnocentrism.
As a historian of the modern age, I put forward the hypothesis that the cultural distance between my great-grandson and me will be as great or greater than that separating me from my own great-grandfather. All the better! I have the misfortune of living now among too many people who believe their descendants will resemble them in all respects, because for them peoples are eternal – a fortiori a race-people such as the Jews.
I am aware of living in one of the most racist societies in the western world. Racism is present to some degree everywhere, but in Israel it exists deep within the spirit of the laws. It is taught in schools and colleges, spread in the media, and above all and most dreadful, in Israel the racists do not know what they are doing and, because of this, feel in no way obliged to apologise. This absence of a need for self-justification has made Israel a particularly prized reference point for many movements of the far right throughout the world, movements whose past history of antisemitism is only too well known.
To live in such a society has become increasingly intolerable to me, but I must also admit that it is no less difficult to make my home elsewhere. I am myself a part of the cultural, linguistic and even conceptual production of the Zionist enterprise, and I cannot undo this. By my everyday life and my basic culture I am an Israeli. I am not especially proud of this, just as I have no reason to take pride in being a man with brown eyes and of average height. I am often even ashamed of Israel, particularly when I witness evidence of its cruel military colonisation, with its weak and defenceless victims who are not part of the “chosen people”.
Earlier in my life I had a fleeting utopian dream that a Palestinian Israeli should feel as much at home in Tel Aviv as a Jewish American does in New York. I struggled and sought for the civil life of a Muslim Israeli in Jerusalem to be similar to that of the Jewish French person whose home is in Paris. I wanted Israeli children of Christian African immigrants to be treated as the British children of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent are in London. I hoped with all my heart that all Israeli children would be educated together in the same schools. Today I know that my dream is outrageously demanding, that my demands are exaggerated and impertinent, that the very fact of formulating them is viewed by Zionists and their supporters as an attack on the Jewish character of the state of Israel, and thus as antisemitism.

However, strange as it may seem, and in contrast to the locked-in character of secular Jewish identity, treating Israeli identity as politico-cultural rather than “ethnic” does appear to offer the potential for achieving an open and inclusive identity. According to the law, in fact, it is possible to be an Israeli citizen without being a secular “ethnic” Jew, to participate in its “supra-culture” while preserving one’s “infra-culture”, to speak the hegemonic language and cultivate in parallel another language, to maintain varied ways of life and fuse different ones together. To consolidate this republican political potential, it would be necessary, of course, to have long abandoned tribal hermeticism, to learn to respect the Other and welcome him or her as an equal, and to change the constitutional laws of Israel to make them compatible with democratic principles.
Most important, if it has been momentarily forgotten: before we put forward ideas on changing Israel’s identity policy, we must first free ourselves from the accursed and interminable occupation that is leading us on the road to hell. In fact, our relation to those who are second-class citizens of Israel is inextricably bound up with our relation to those who live in immense distress at the bottom of the chain of the Zionist rescue operation. That oppressed population, which has lived under the occupation for close to 50 years, deprived of political and civil rights, on land that the “state of the Jews” considers its own, remains abandoned and ignored by international politics. I recognise today that my dream of an end to the occupation and the creation of a confederation between two republics, Israeli and Palestinian, was a chimera that underestimated the balance of forces between the two parties.
Increasingly it appears to be already too late; all seems already lost, and any serious approach to a political solution is deadlocked. Israel has grown used to this, and is unable to rid itself of its colonial domination over another people. The world outside, unfortunately, does not do what is needed either. Its remorse and bad conscience prevent it from convincing Israel to withdraw to the 1948 frontiers. Nor is Israel ready to annex the occupied territories officially, as it would then have to grant equal citizenship to the occupied population and, by that fact alone, transform itself into a binational state. It’s rather like the mythological serpent that swallowed too big a victim, but prefers to choke rather than to abandon it.
Does this mean I, too, must abandon hope? I inhabit a deep contradiction. I feel like an exile in the face of the growing Jewish ethnicisation that surrounds me, while at the same time the language in which I speak, write and dream is overwhelmingly Hebrew. When I find myself abroad, I feel nostalgia for this language, the vehicle of my emotions and thoughts. When I am far from Israel, I see my street corner in Tel Aviv and look forward to the moment I can return to it. I do not go to synagogues to dissipate this nostalgia, because they pray there in a language that is not mine, and the people I meet there have absolutely no interest in understanding what being Israeli means for me.
In London it is the universities and their students of both sexes, not the Talmudic schools (where there are no female students), that remind me of the campus where I work. In New York it is the Manhattan cafes, not the Brooklyn enclaves, that invite and attract me, like those of Tel Aviv. And when I visit the teeming Paris bookstores, what comes to my mind is the Hebrew book week organised each year in Israel, not the sacred literature of my ancestors.
My deep attachment to the place serves only to fuel the pessimism I feel towards it. And so I often plunge into despondency about the present and fear for the future. I am tired, and feel that the last leaves of reason are falling from our tree of political action, leaving us barren in the face of the caprices of the sleepwalking sorcerers of the tribe. But I cannot allow myself to be completely fatalistic. I dare to believe that if humanity succeeded in emerging from the 20th century without a nuclear war, everything is possible, even in the Middle East. We should remember the words of Theodor Herzl, the dreamer responsible for the fact that I am an Israeli: “If you will it, it is no legend.”
As a scion of the persecuted who emerged from the European hell of the 1940s without having abandoned the hope of a better life, I did not receive permission from the frightened archangel of history to abdicate and despair. Which is why, in order to hasten a different tomorrow, and whatever my detractors say, I shall continue to write.

Shlomo Sand:How I stopped being a Jew

Monday, October 13, 2014

Al Sharpton's Jewish Lawyer that was accused of rape is a player, hung like a hamster - and like's 'em young.

Sharpton lawyer accused of rape is ‘hung like a cashew’

Accused-rapist lawyer Sanford Rubenstein is an aging, skirt-chasing lothario who relies on his wealth and notoriety to seduce the much-younger gals he favors — tall, tough, tattooed types, sources told The Post.
“The guy’s hung like a cashew,” a source said Monday of Rubenstein, with a neighbor adding that the 70-year-old lawyer relies on amenities such as stretch limos to attract women.
 He is frequently seen squiring around women barely out of their teens, the longtime neighbor said.
“Not the kind of women you’d expect. He uses the penthouse and the limo to [attract] them,” said the neighbor outside Rubenstein’s East 64th Street building.
“Every time I see him, he wants to tell me about his latest ménage à trois. It’s all about sex with this guy. He’s a real p- - -y hound.”
Sources said Rubenstein began his sexcapades decades ago — and “has not changed” a bit since.

Al Sharpton's 70 year old lawyer hung like a hamster

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Al Sharpton's jew lawyer Sanford Rubinstein arrested for rape after leaving Sharpton's 60th Birthday Party

Sanford Rubenstein needs a lawyer. The high-powered attorney has been accused of raping a woman at his Manhattan home following the Rev. Al Sharpton’s 60th birthday bash Wednesday, the Daily News has learned.
The alleged incident took place at Rubenstein’s swanky E. 64th St. apartment hours after Sharpton’s star-studded party at the Four Seasons restaurant in Manhattan, law enforcement sources told The News.
The alleged victim is a 42-year-old executive who has ties to Sharpton, sources said.
Rubinstein Rape

 The alleged victim is a Manhattan executive in her 40s who lives in Brooklyn, law-enforcement sources told The Post.
She had attended Sharpton’s star-studded party — with guests including Gov. Cuomo, Spike Lee and Aretha Franklin — with another woman, sources said.
Afterward, she and the other woman went back to Rubenstein’s place for drinks, the sources said. At some point, the other woman departed, and the victim and Rubenstein, who had met through Sharpton, were alone.
“The next thing she knows, it’s Thursday morning, and she wakes up naked in his bed,” a law- *enforcement source said of the *victim.

 “She passed out and woke to him” violating her, another source said.
“She was knocked out — and that is rape,” the second source said, adding that “there are credible aspects of the case and she’s credible — but she doesn’t remember much.”

 Rubenstein and Sharpton go way back. Rubinstein hosted a party in his penthouse for Sharpton in 2001 after the civil-rights leader was released from prison — where he lost 30 pounds in a hunger strike. Sharpton had been busted for protesting missile tests on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques.

ISIS Plans On Sending Muslim Terrorists Infected WIth Ebola Into America To Infect And Kill Americans as a Bioweapon

Walid Shoebat reports that Muslims carrying Ebola will be sent into the United States as a Bioweapon to infect and kill Americans as an act of Terrorism. Shoebat is a reputable source that has been known to break  important news about the Muslim World and has been known to be accurate is what makes this so scary...

ISIS threatened the United States, and the allies to spread the Ebola virus, within those states, if continues to wage war on the organization inside Syria and Iraq.
ISIS explained that among the viruses that its members can “synthesize and produce” are “Ebola and Corona”. ISIS also said,
followers and soldiers of the Islamic State are mostly suicide bombers and all of them are ready not only to carry Ebola, but to drink Ebola if they were asked to carry and spread it in the United States. This is not difficult but we need a decision from the leaders jihadist.
Ebola could easily be transmitted through bodily fluids, including sweat, tears, saliva, blood, urine, semen, etc., including objects that have come in contact with bodily fluids (such as bed sheets, clothing, and needles) and corpses.
It is said that “this disease will go airborne, and there are many other mechanisms through which mutation might make it much more transmissible.”
The statement from ISIS said that
the process of spreading disease is not difficult, it is easily transported in a bottle in your bag and take them from Africa to America and open in a air-conditioning duct or put it in the public drinking water by elevator doors
The statement from ISIS also said:
the process of cultivating bacteria can be done by any student in the Faculty of Science or Department of Biology. They do not need complex laboratories and even a makeshift laboratory can be made in a small apartment in which we can farm millions of germs and viruses

ISIS to use Ebola as Bioweapon

         It is also well known amongst the Border Control Law Enforcement community that illegal immigrants from Liberia and other high risk countries have been found in significant numbers massing along the US Border trying to sneak in!

Immigrants from Ebola outbreak nations caught along the border trying to illegally enter US.
Immigrants from West African countries have entered the US illegally, according to Chris Cabrera with the National Border Patrol Council.
"Not too long ago we did catch some people, I believe, from Liberia," he said.
During the 2013 fiscal year, statistics from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website show Border Patrol agents apprehended 112 immigrants from Guinea, 231 from Liberia and 145 immigrants from Sierra Leone, which are the three countries currently experiencing the most cases of Ebola.
"Our main concern like it’s always been is the health and safety of our agents," Cabrera said.
He worries agents are not properly protected in the event they come across an immigrant with the Ebola virus.
"Our agents are trained, however, they are not medical professionals," he said.
If an immigrant with the virus does make it past agents, he worries they could possibly pass the contagious virus to other immigrants while in a stash house like they saw recently during a scabies outbreak.
"Some of our agents did contract scabies, and some of the other things that illegal aliens had. Luckily it's not something deadly like Ebola," Cabrera said.
High Risk Ebola Illegal Immigrants

        And to add to the madness Obama scrapped the CDC Quarantine Plans that would've blocked entry of high risk individuals into this country Four Years ago. 

Four years ago, quietly and without public notice, the Obama administration scrapped quarantine plans from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which could have blocked travelers with the deadly Ebola virus from entering the U.S.

The Daily Caller reports that the rules, which would have given the federal government quarantine power over sick airline passengers, likely would have stopped Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian resident and the first case of Ebola reported in the U.S., from ever setting foot in the country and bringing Ebola with him.

Duncan may have infected up to 100 people before being confined to an isolation ward in a Texas hospital.

The rules, first proposed by the CDC under the Bush administration in 2005, would have allowed the federal government to quarantine airline passengers showing symptoms for up to three days, as well as people exposed to those symptoms, and required airlines to inform the CDC about sick passengers and keep contact information on all passengers to enable the CDC to track down those possibly exposed.

CDC Quantin Rules scrapped By Obama

Yeah, And even though we have absolutely nothing to worry about (yeah, right!), the CDC has issued EBOLA 'Guidelines' to Funeral Homes.
 The three-page list of recommendations include instructing funeral workers to wear protective equipment when dealing with the remains since Ebola can be transmitted in postmortem care. It also instructs to avoid autopsies and embalming.

CBS46 News has confirmed the Centers for Disease Control has issued guidelines to U.S. funeral homes on how to handle the remains of Ebola patients. If the outbreak of the potentially deadly virus is in West Africa, why are funeral homes in America being given guidelines?
 The three-page list of recommendations include instructing funeral workers to wear protective equipment when dealing with the remains since Ebola can be transmitted in postmortem care. It also instructs to avoid autopsies and embalming.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Israeli Deputy Knesset Speaker Moshe Feiglin "Judaism is Racist", "Hitler was a Genius"

 This paper published an interview with Feiglin from 1995, conducted by Ada Oshpiz.

In describing Adolf Hitler, Feiglin is quoted to have told her, "Hitler was an unparalleled military genius. Nazism promoted Germany from a low to a fantastic physical and ideological status. The ragged, trashy youth body turned into a neat and orderly part of society and Germany received an exemplary regime, a proper justice system and public order. Hitler savored good music. He would paint. This was no bunch of thugs. They merely used thugs and homosexuals."

Hitler Was A Genius

"There can be no doubt that Judaism is racist in some sense," Feiglin went on to say in that interview. "And when they asserted at the United Nations that Zionism was racist, I did not find much reason to protest. The people who take racism to mean a distinction between races - and this is a very primitive distinction - must argue that Zionism is racist."
Judaism is Racist

Later in the interview, Feiglin addressed the Palestinians. "There is no Palestinian nation. There is only an Arab-speaking public which has suddenly identified itself as a people, a negative of the Zionist movement, parasites. The fact that they hadn't done so earlier only serves to prove how inferior they are. The Africans have no nations either. Only Zulus, Tutsis."
Africans, Palestinians

Criticism of U.S. Vice President Biden

Feiglin referred to U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden as a "diseased leper" in a 2010 op-ed column published by Israel's third largest news outlet, Maariv.
 "When the state’s leadership lets Biden or Erdogan or any other diseased leper [also translated as "filthy vermin"] humiliate us, it sows the hope and uncontrollable desire of destroying us."
Joe Biden Diseased Leper

 ""Throughout history," Feiglin explained, "from Rome to Europe in our day, the approval and spread of homosexuality presaged the decline of nations and cultures. If one reads the Torah portion 'Noah' – this comes as no surprise. . . .The organizers of a pride parade do not wish to gain rights. They strive to force homosexuality as a culture upon the public sphere. . . . A minority has no right to take over public assets. Let the marchers kindly go back to their individual closets. And let them do it without whining, because no one interferes with their affairs in there. Let them give up their attempts at takeovers, and leave the public sphere to normal people. . . .Feiglin added in an additional post: "I have no problem with homosexuals, most of whom are, most likely, good and talented people and no one wants to interfere in their private lives. I have a problem with homosexuality as a culture. This culture subverts the status of the family. And without the family there is no nation, and without a nation there is no civilization."


The Christian conquest is much more dangerous than the Muslim conquest because it is not direct. It is not violent. Embracing and supportive, it connects with Israel against the Muslim enemy. It supports a Jewish Land of Israel in its entirety - even speaking up for the sanctity of the connection between the Nation of Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel. It just forgets to specify which Nation of Israel and which Torah. The Christians are careful to hide their true intentions. They will not usually display the crucifix and will not mention the name of their deity in conversation with Jews. They simply "love" us - "no strings attached." But their goal is clear: to immigrate to Israel by the millions, to become citizens, and to convert us all, God forbid.
 “Two deviant daughters came forth from Judaism but left the fold to conquer the world: Christianity and Islam. Both hate their mother, and both fight each other.”   "Cynical Christian morality [has] replaced the evil of colonialism with a new – and much worse – evil."


 Rooted in Religious Zionism, he established in 1996 "Manhigut Yehudit" ("Jewish Leadership"), an attempt to foster Jewish leadership for Israel. In year 2000, this movement joined Likud. In December 2005, Feiglin ran for Likud chairman against Netanyahu and won 12.5% of the votes. In the August 2007 primaries, Feiglin received 23.4% of the votes while Netanyahu got 72.8%. In the January 2012 primaries, Feiglin got 23% of the vote. In November 2012, Feiglin was placed 15th on the list of Likud MKs. This awarded him the 22nd place in the joint Likud-Beiteinu list. In other words, he is a prominent leader of Likud.
Powerful Likud Member

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Writings of Karl Marx on "The Negro Question"

Excerpted from the book:

Red Intrigue and Race Turmoil (1958) : Zygmund Dobbs .

The Genetics of Black Violence - MAOA Gene

*Science Daily*: Whites have lowest instance of MAOA-L Gene, which is linked to aggression, violence, crime, and sexual abuse.

American black males are twice as likely than American white males to have MAOA-L which has been linked to crime, violence and aggression in scores of studies going back over fifteen years. Black males are also 13.5 times more likely to have a rare version of the gene associated with "extreme violence and extreme aggression." Latinos and American Indians are also nearly twice as likely as whites to have the more common version of the gene. However they are only about one fourth as likely to have the extreme version compared to blacks.

New scientific techniques have brought to light exactly how the so-called "warrior gene" named MAOA-L works. New studies using MRI show how brain activity in those who have the MAOA-L gene differs from those without it.

Studies have linked the gene to increased levels of sexual violence, alcoholism, crime, and even higher levels of credit card debt. However, very little is said about it outside of scientific journals. The reason is obvious. Many articles published on the gene even state that it has serious implications concerning race and ethnicity.

Whites, usually referred to in euphemisms like "westerners," are said to be less likely to have the gene than other groups. One third of whites have MAOA-L, while groups usually only identified as "others" have instances of two thirds or higher. It has also been suggested in scientific journals that whites may be less affected by the gene than "others."

In fact, researchers have even censored their own findings on race and MAOA-L! Others have faced hostility from the University community for mentioning which races have the highest rates.

What's more, even less is said about some of the even rarer extreme forms of the gene. Most people with MAOA-L have the "3 allele repeat version." There is a rarer "2 allele repeat version" that is usually described as "associated with extreme aggression and extreme violence." Several studies have concluded that 1% or less of all white males in the United States possess the dangerous 2 allele repeat version. Meanwhile a study of "non-white Americans" showed that the extra dangerous version occurred in 6% of non-white American men. One lone study from 2006 tested tested blacks alone and found that 13.5% have the extra dangerous version of the gene. Source.

MAOA-L, which causes low activity of the metabolizing enzyme monoamine oxidase A, is spoken of in euphemisms when it comes to ethnicity. However, already it has been used in court cases in the US, Britain, and Italy. In Italy lawyers claimed an Algerian immigrant should get a lighter sentence for stabbing a Columbian immigrant to death, because his DNA contains the MAOA-L gene. The judge agreed and reduced the defendants sentence. Source.

Already, we have leftist college professors making declarations like "if African Americans have higher rates of MAOA-L, than that should be a factor in sentencing!" The hypocrisy of these leftists is deafening. On one hand they will say that the "races are all equal," then demand special treatment for blacks for a "genetic deficiency" in the same breath.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Gandhi. Hitler Fan. Negro Hater. Jewish Genocide Advocating. Gay Fling Havin' Man.

Gandhi, that shining beacon of humanitarianism that makes all lefties squeal with delight at the very mention of his name. That same Gandhi that once said Western 'Civilization' sounded like "a good idea", the same guy who once remarked that he liked Christ but didn't understand Christians because "they are nothing like him". Oh, stop it Gandhi, you're killin' me LOL.

 For starters, Gandhi hated blacks with a Passion. He referred to them as "Kaffirs" and believed them to be inferior.

 “A general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than the savages or natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.” ~ CWMG, Vol. I, p. 150

 His description of black inmates: “Only a degree removed from the animal.” He also said, “Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilized - the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals.” ~ CWMG, Vol. VIII, pp. 135-136

“Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.” ~ CWMG, Vol. II, p. 74

“A Kaffir is to be taxed because he does not work enough: an Indian is to be taxed because he works too much.” ~ CWMG, Vol. III, p. 337

Regarding forcible registration with the state of blacks: “One can understand the necessity for registration of Kaffirs who will not work.” ~ CWMG, Vol. I, p. 105

Gandhi Racist Rants

Also interesting to note was that Gandhi not only approved of the British war against the African Zulus, but he fought for the right to enlist to fight the Africans on the side of the British!
 Gandhi was appointed a Sgt. Major in the British Army, and would lead 20 Indian volunteers to assist the war against the black Zulus.
Gandhi Writes Propaganda for War on Blacks
As a last touch before heading to the battlefield, Gandhi published “Should Indians Volunteer Or Not?” on June 30, 1906, in the Indian Opinion. He passionately urged Indians to volunteer, saying: “There is hardly any family from which someone has not gone to fight the Kaffir rebels. Following their example, we should steel our hearts and take courage. Now is the time when the leading whites want us to take this step; if we let go this opportunity, we shall repent later. We therefore urge all Indian leaders to do their duty to the best of their ability.”
 Completely ignoring the underlying cause of the Zulu rebellion, which was a desire for freedom, Gandhi argued for a religious reason to wage war on the black natives of South Africa. He said, “For the Indian community, going to the battle-field should be an easy matter; for, whether Muslims or Hindus, we are men with profound faith in God. We have a greater sense of duty, and it should therefore be easier for us to volunteer.”
Gandi Fights The Zulus

Gandhi wrote 'Fan Mail' to Hitler.

Gandhi wrote two letters to Hitler, which are on display at Mani Bhavan, where Gandhi lived in Mumbai from 1917-1934. These letters are a known, but still shocking, part of the history of WWII. Certainly, they make you wonder what could have been, and even spark speculation about what the world leaders of our time really think about the current state of the world.
Gandhi Fan Mail To Hitler

 Gandhi: Jews Should Offer Themselves to the "Butcher's Knife".

“Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.” ~ George Orwell’s “Reflections on Gandhi,” Partisan Review, Jan. 1949

As to whether the Jews should have committed “collective sucide” by offering themselves to Hitler: “Yes, that would have been heroism.” ~ George Orwell’s “Reflections on Gandhi,” Partisan Review, Jan. 1949
Gandhi Jew Hating

Gandhi loved to cuddle naked with his 17 year old niece.
Gandhi's pejorative reference to ­nakedness is ironic considering that, as Mr. Lelyveld details, when he was in his 70s and close to leading India to ­independence, he encouraged his ­17-year-old great-niece, Manu, to be naked during her "nightly cuddles" with him. After sacking several long-standing and loyal members of his 100-strong ­personal entourage who might disapprove of this part of his spiritual quest, Gandhi began sleeping naked with Manu and other young women. He told a woman on one occasion: "Despite my best efforts, the organ remained aroused. It was an altogether strange and shameful experience."
Gandhi Incest

Gandhi left his wife to pursue a gay relationship with a German-Jewish bodybuilder named Hermann Kallenbach.

Gandhi's organ probably only rarely became aroused with his naked young ladies, because the love of his life was a German-Jewish architect and bodybuilder, Hermann Kallenbach, for whom Gandhi left his wife in 1908. "Your portrait (the only one) stands on my mantelpiece in my bedroom," he wrote to Kallenbach. "The mantelpiece is opposite to the bed." For some ­reason, cotton wool and Vaseline were "a constant reminder" of Kallenbach, which Mr. Lelyveld believes might ­relate to the enemas Gandhi gave ­himself, although there could be other, less generous, explanations.
Gandhi wrote to Kallenbach about "how completely you have taken ­possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance." Gandhi nicknamed himself "Upper House" and Kallenbach "Lower House," and he made Lower House promise not to "look lustfully upon any woman." The two then pledged "more love, and yet more love . . . such love as they hope the world has not yet seen."
Gandhi Gay Bodybuilder

 In his Wall Street Journal review of Joseph Lelyveld’s Great Soul, a biography of Mohandas Gandhi, conservative historian Andrew Roberts calls Gandhi “a ceaseless self-promoter”, a “sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a fanatical faddist” and accuses the revered Indian leader of repeatedly botching his nation’s independence movement. In subsequent paragraphs, Roberts goes on to call him a racist, a child molester, and a hypocrite.
Gandi Sexual Weirdo

And after Gandhi's passing, the Indian Govt spent $1.3 Million to purchase his letters to prevent his gay loveletters to his bodybuilder boyfriend from going public.

Indian Government Spends $1.3 Million To Stop Auction Of Gandhi Letters That May Show He Was Gay

Last year, Pulitzer-Prize-winning author Joseph Lelyveld released his book, "Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India," causing controversy with parts some say included implications that Gandhi had a homosexual relationship with architect Hermann Kallenbach.
Gandhi's home state of Gujarat banned the book in March, and now the Indian government has dished out $1.28 million to purchase an archive more than 1,000 letters and documents exchanged between the men, thus removing it from a potential public auction in London, the Wall Street Journal's "India Real Time" blog reports.
Gandhi Gay Loveletters